Monday, January 28, 2013

Daddy's Girl

Should I start this like they do in AA? 
Hi, my name is Insideabook and I am a Lisa Scottoline newbie...
Well, I was.
Now I want more...and more...and more...

I have only a little time for reading anymore (during the school year) so I mete out my time carefully on book group books and those books that really grab me right away. What a fun surprise then to find this book on my library reserve list....thank you to some bloggers recommendation. The fact that I finished this book so quickly is a tribute to the smart and sassy writing of Lisa Scottoline. 

There were no life lessons to be learned...oh, okay, stand up for yourself is one. But this was not mental-floss. This was mousy girl law professor stands up for herself and saves the day kind of book. 

Nat Greco, daddy's little girl, brothers' little sister, and family's little 'gnat' certainly thinks less of herself than she should, much like many of us do. When asked to attend a prison speaking assignment she reluctantly accepts and is nearly raped during a prison riot that breaks out that day. When she is able to escape she happens upon a Correctional Officer who has been terribly wounded and in his last words says, "Tell my wife it's under the floor." Well Nat is nothing if not a stand-up kinda girl. She takes it upon herself to deliver the message and then all "h-e-double hockey sticks" breaks out!!

For me this was a fun escape from task-reading, from math planning and from the have-to's.  

1 comment:

Jenners said...

Sounds like you found the right book for you at the right time!