Monday, January 14, 2013

Scenes from the Neighborhood

Walking through the neighborhood this weekend made me laugh. It's like taking a peek into everyone's linen closet and seeing what's inside. 

I have got to get me some fancier sheets.....


melissa @ 1lbr said...

I laughed and laughed through my neighborhood too. We have the crummiest sheets around and they ALWAYS blow off anyway.

Jenners said...

Why is everyone doing this out front????

Susan said...

It is a funny sight, isn't it? It's even funnier when people cover their plants with whatever random things they have lying around -- our neighbor used cardboard boxes, napkins, and a fishing vest!

Inside A Book said...

I am so glad to see that it is warming up. The sheets came off and made it back to the closet. Those freezing days were COLD!

Too bad that all the trees and plants look burned now. We are pretty darn spoiled here.....