Sunday, September 26, 2010

Flood Books

You're looking at a "flood book."

"What's that?" you ask.

Well I was hoping someone would ask that question.

I've carried around "flood books" for years. They are the books you have with you just in case there is a flood! Now in my part of the country we don't get a lot of floods, but if we do, I AM prepared. Until then my flood book is ready for those lost little minutes know... a long wait in line somewhere or while I wait for my husband at the wood store or in the micro-seconds before a class starts.

Well this "flood book" is finally finished. It took me awhile but I now know more about Melissa Gilbert than I was really ready for. I will still choose to see her as Laura on Little House on the Prairie, unless we meet someday for frozen yogurt!!

Perhaps the book should read, "More than a Prairie Tale" for it reminds us that there is a whole lot more to Melissa Gilbert than the 10 years she spent as Laura Ingalls. She certainly has a lot to write about. If I were to write a memoir I can't imagine what I would write about or if I could remember too much, but Melissa Gilbert must have some kind of memory or checked back in the tabloids to chronicle a lot of her life. She has overcome an alcohol addiction that impresses me to the max. Kudos to her for being brave enough to face her "monsters in the closet." Having watched a good friend fight this drug and alcohol battle as well, in a more private fashion, I am grateful that Melisssa Gilbert honors AA and shares her story with a courage and strength that will help give hope to others. Some of the facts I could have lived without.... but then again, I have a few of my own embarrassing moments that I choose to forget.

All in all, it was not a "tattle"-tell-all, just a remember-about. Was it the best written or quotable autobiography? No, but few are. I had my issues with a few things but all in I enjoyed reading her memoir. She's a woman it would be fun to meet and chat with, she loves her children and husband fiercely, and she could probably teach me a thing or two. It was a lot of little "flood" moments well spent getting to know Melissa Gilbert. Now if I could get her to meet me for that frozen yogurt!

PS. The next "flood book" is One Amazing Thing by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. It's on audio "playaway" - even more fun! I can't wait!!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Flood book - I love it! I always try to be prepared for those unexpectedly long waits.

I've been wondering about this book as well as the one written by the woman who played Nellie Olsen. I used to love that show - it would be interesting to see what the actors have to say about it. Thanks for the recommendation!