What Next?
When we came home from our "Incredible Journey"/aka 6500 miles in a car with each other/aka VACATION, Rich had a flat tire on his bike. Fixing it involved an airtank, a new tube and a house shaking boom!! I was upstairs and ran like the wind to check and see if he had blown something off his body...There he was, grinning with green tire goo all over. No worries.A few nights later there was a huge crash in my bedroom - -I ran into my room thinking that this amazing husband had "fallen and couldn't get up" ..... There he was,in bed, grinning and staring at my piles of books, now all over the floor. He just said, "they jumped." No worries.
I'm beginning to think this is a cry for attention....Seriously though....maybe the piles are getting a little out of hand.
lol! Read those books, so they are no longer tempted to commit suicide.
Haha! This is so funny. My hubby tries to pretend it wasn't him all the time. HA!
That is way too funny. Someone is a little jealous of the piles. :)
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