Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday Salon - Mother's Day

Outside my window ....It's going to be a warm one. Can the sky look that way?!?!Yes! (Of course I won't tell you that it's all the weather people have been talking about. That would destroy your opinion of me as a weather-djinni!!)

I am listening to.... Sunday morning silence!! (Oh, and the cat PLEADING for me to feed him. He sure knows how to ruin total silence.)

Favorite things from this week....RAIN!!! It was amazing opening my classroom door and walking out into a building monsoon. L.O.V.E. it!! Thunder, lightning and a lot of rain is wonderful. I think I did the happy dance right there in the parking lot. Of course that was the same night as Book Group. So you see I just pile all the fun things into one 24 hour period. I  Love Book Group.We read Tender at the Bone by Ruth Reichel and the talk (at a local restaurant) was delicious! This week also featured a geocaching class for Math, seeing the Hunger Games and another wedding to attend. I think we are getting to be professionals at this!

I am thinking .... about magic. Wishing I could wiggle my nose and have the little messes around here all cleaned up. Very magical-like but doesn't every mother wish this on Mother's Day (and every other day?!?!) I would have the magic take care of it all!

I am grateful for... Mother's Day and the great blessing I have in an awesome mom. She's terrific. I actually have been blessed with so many wonderful women in my life to lead the way and be examples for me. Thanks!

I am reading ....Magical Mischief by Anna Dale, What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarity and 11/22/63 by Stephen King. I am also ready to re-read The Book Thief for my other book group. Wahoo. Book love.

I am listing .... The same things I listed last week only with more intensity!!! Grading writing folders is a MUST. 

I am creating ....Gift bags for the young single women at church. Rich and I work with the 18-30 year old singles and we wanted to honor womanhood today. We put together little bags of Bath and BodyWorks lotion and some Ghiradelli chocolates. Little Jase was my helper as we sorted, stuffed and tied. They look wonderful.

Plans for the week ....2 wedding receptions (I know - we're going broke here, but enjoying the celebrations!) Lots of year-end prep at school, grading, and prepping for the trek. Yikes!! There's something almost every night again this week. Gotta love this "Merry month of May!"



Jenners said...

I'm always wishing I had some magic. Just enough to get out of housework!

And I love love love good thunderstorms (that don't hurt anything.) They can be fun to watch.

Those gift bags sound like winners!

Jenners said...

Oh ... and I read Garlic and Sapphires by Ruth Reichl and found it interesting. I was thinking of checking this one out too.

Suey said...

The gift bag idea sounds perfect. Way to go!

Have re-reading The Book Thief. You'll discuss, right?

Enjoy that rain. We haven't had much here for awhile. The lawn already looks dead. :(