Yep, that's me!! I am a Christmas-wrapping-shopping-baking-machine!!! (And I am loving every minute of it.) It is not stressing me out at all and I have had several shopping miracles along the way. What a difference this year. Now I'm enjoying the time to sit and wrap while watching know the annual viewing of White Christmas, The Santa Claus, Jack Frost and Rudolph!!! (Throw in a chick-flick or two and the time flies.) I still have a few fun projects to finish up and the books are calling my name...I am loving this holiday this year! The last two weeks of school were a whirlwind.... end of quarter assessments, the Reindeer Run, the All-school Holiday Sing, the class party, Christmas-crafts, report cards and ....continued learning!! Ah, yes, the rush of school compared to the rush of the holidays. I'll take the change, thank you!
Just a funny thing - I did notice a BIG difference in the Christmas gifts my 3rd grade students gave me compared to my first grade little guys!!! (SMILE!) I often got flowers with roots attached, pre-loved stuffed animals, and dollar store statues and candy!! This year, in 3rd grade I got BOOKS, book gift cards (my students know my passion) and iTunes giftcards, to name a few. Now, I have never been one to care much about those things at all. That's not what I expect or want...I teach at a Title 1 school for a reason...but I was so touched at the response of my students to my hobbies and loves. I am so touched at their generosity. Now to find that perfect classroom read-aloud with the giftcards....a great way to share!! Any suggestions?? Assorted notes and thoughts - - -I finished Nectar in a Sieve awhile back and still need to write a review for myself. It was breathtakingly beautiful and has really stuck with me. Rich and I are half way through Cesar's Way by Cesar Milan (trying to be better dog-grandparents) and I am finally finishing The Bee Keeper's Apprentice by Laurie King (it's super!)
Rich and I went to see Jeffrey Deaver at The Poisoned Pen in all the December madness. He was there pushing his newest book, Edge. What a terrific night. Mr. Deaver was a very interesting speaker and he read a bit from his book to bring across the point on how we could learn to care about his character when it was written in 1st person narrative. He was RIGHT! We were captivated. Now that's a skill I really need to teach to those 3rd graders!!
You know it is pretty sexy to see my handsome honey surrounded by books!!What a great morning to sit and review a little of what's been going on before I return to the madness....bring it on!!
LOVE your feisty attitude to all the holiday fun! People should take note and stop complaining! :) Have fun with it all!!
You saw Deaver?! LOVE HIM!
Usually, I try to get my kids' teachers more thoughtful gifts, but this year they just go Krispy Kremes. It's been that kind of year for me :)
I considered going to see Deaver at TPP, too, but it didn't work out. I'm glad you enjoyed his presentation. How fun!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
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