Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday Night Live

An interesting conference this, my techie self is going to really have to ramp up the game to keep up. No more dry days of history, facts and dates! It was a BUSY and motivating day! I feasted on Jazz in Global History, Reconfiguring Public History with Digital and Social Media, Using the Library of Congress as a Resource in the Classroom, and more....Is your head spinning yet?!? Mine was. Most of what I went to and learned wasn't really 4th grade ready but it will be when I tweak it and use what I learned! My brain was so stoked...and tired.

It rained Saturday at the conference. Loved it. Today was rainy and cool. How weird for Arizona! Thank you Hurricane Lorena.

Papers to sort and grade. (Not this year's pile...just a reminder of what it COULD look like!)

Book Group book to read - Faith Under Fire by Roger Benimoff

I made truffle cupcakes for a friend this weekend. YUMMERS! I would have a photo of the cupcakes but they went too fast....went right to our hips!

This week looks like it will be a crazy-fun-busy week.
Book group, meetings, dinner with friends, PD classes, oh yeah!

I just need to lay off the late-night ice cream!!
Have a great week. 

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