Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Books Just For Me!

Books Just for You


Thank you for submitting a Mesa Public Library Reader Request Form

and with this great email came a 5 page print-out of custom book recommendations just for me!! How good does this get? I love the personalization of the list. I had to fill out a 3-4 page questionnaire that was really quite detailed, but it was all insightful and gave me a great opportunity to figure out how I could use this idea in the classroom. ( FYI - I told the students I was doing this as a guinea pig! I make so many sacrifices for my students...)

Here's some of what they recommended...

I haven't listed all the stand-alones they suggested OR new authors OR the books they recommended that I had already read - - BUT it was enough to intrigue me and I added 8 new books to my stuffed bookshelves. I am ready for vacation AND any reading emergency.
What a great service! I am truly going to try this in some format in our classroom this next year.

These kids love
to share their favorites...
We post photos and recommended titles.
Next year we can customize it.
Cool, huh???

What books would you recommend?

1 comment:

Susan said...

Interesting. I've never heard of this, but I go to the county library in Gilbert instead of the City of Mesa branch closest to me. I just like the county one better - it's bigger, nicer and much better organized. I like the custom-made library list, though. Very cool.